Thursday, November 15, 2007


This morning I am thankful for my students.

I have this class I often term as "the bad class." In reality I love them all and do spend time outside of class with them more than any of my other students. However, in the classroom they are a teacher's worst nightmare. They talk, sleep, come in late, no homework and just treat me like I am anybody standing at the front of the room. I have tried write offs, singing to sleeping students, making them stand, everything. I even gave them a speech about how wonderful Chinese students are supposed to be, but they aren't and if I wanted to teach sleeping students I could go back to America where there are plenty of them. Yesterday we had a break through! Our chapter was talking about movies so I asked them to create a movie trailer for something already out, something coming out, or something they created.... They did awesome!!! I was rolling in my chair, crying from laughter. I got to see quiet little girls come out of their shells. I got to see these punk boys listening to others. Amazing... I get to teach them yet again today so we will see how it goes.

On a day where the rain is coming down in torrents, you really just want to crawl back in bed and not face anything, my "bad" students were the ones to get me through it. For that I am truly thankful for my students.

A picture of my "good" freshmen... I don't have any from my "bad" class...

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