Monday, May 7, 2007

Breakfast of Champions

The best way to start the day...
Waking up to new sheets and the sun shining
Drinking a cup of coffee and settling down to your computer
Hearing the voices of two of your precious sisters and getting giggle-faced talking about prom, break up boxes and figuring out how to hang up
Hope the rest of the day is as great as the last hour. :)
*Note: New bedding thanks to Kim, Katie, Sandra and Shorel!


  1. Sounds like you had a great time and I LOVE the new bedding!!! Pretty soon it will be you and me talking and giggling, although I don't know what a "break up box" is...
    Love ya,

  2. I love the new bedding! I know how awesome new sheets are! I am so glad that you'll be here soon! I am so excited that you're coming home soon. I love you! -Lauren

  3. Aww, I can't wait to see you!! I like your new bedding too. Oh yeah... Amanda is now the manager at PTS because Caryn went to the Rivergate store. CrAzY. This summer will certainly be interesting. Love you! Miss you bunches!!!
