Sunday, October 21, 2007


Monday- Classes in the morning, bread bowl/potato soup dinner, Study
Tuesday- Classes in the morning, big dinner, Study
Wednesday- Class in morning, Chinese study, class over to my house for movie and dinner
Thursday- Class in morning, class over to my house for movie and dinner
Friday- Class over to my house for movie, Sports Meeting
Saturday- biggest and best Halloween bash ever!!!

Throughout week: food shopping, finish costume, study for GRE, study Chinese, lunches with students, write letters, work on girls weekend, Gilmore Girls (let's be know I am going to watch it), make copies, etc.

This is a busy week, but this morning I wake up a little more determined. Determined to take the time to have Study/Quiet time everyday for myself. Determined to take at least a 15 minute nap. Determined to go to bed before 11pm each night. My life in general should be a little more quiet, a little more still. I need to rest so I don't say things like "Let's spray..." instead of "let's pr-y." (Funny yes, but not so much when this becomes a constant part of your life...) For this week I am determined to do this. Please help hold me accountable.

(Just so you know that I don't do this things out of obligation or I feel like I have to... I really do enjoy cooking and such... I just need to be a little more balanced.)

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