Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Happy Wednesday

How stinkin' cute is this? The best part is that it cost less than $5!

I recently stumbled across a blog called Tatertots and Jello. Jen posts all kinds of DIY shenanigans, giveaways, and happiness. Check out how she made this tray and others!

I see another craft day in my future!

Today celebrates one year of living in my cute little house. That makes me happy. I guess I will be staying another year since I never looked for another place or talked to my landlord. As unsure as I was there for awhile, I really do love this place. It is different enough, cozy enough, and it is on Stockell. Happy 1 year, House! (I thought I might give it a little anniversary gift by finally throwing the Halloween pumpkins away. They are still on my porch! Yuck.)

Today also marks my 600th post on Deeply Rooted on Blogger. I have been blogging for almost 12 years now and have written about my life on Expage, Xanga, Wordpress, and Blogger. I came to Blogger while I was living in China because Xanga slipped into the Chinese censored black hole and Blogger and I have been happy ever since. Maybe a little updating to the site? I do have a snow day tomorrow.

All of this happiness is almost more than I can take, but there is Thai Peanut Chicken goodness in my crockpot, a bottle of Pisgah Brewery Vortex (thanks Josh!) in my fridge, Law and Order SVU episode to finish, snow on the ground, and a boyfriend who should be home with a movie in hand soon so I guess I have a little more happiness to soak up tonight.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. We love Pisgah! Andy wants to make a trip back to Asheville just to get some more. :)
