Wednesday, January 30, 2013

KidSpeak #1

One of the most enjoyable things about 1st grade is the creative thinking. ;)  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Will You Pray With Me?

Prayers for Emily Ryan today as she leaves to work in Uganda.

I have just taken Emily's position as a 1st grade teacher. I feel so blessed to be taking over a classroom that is already full of love, great routines, organized, and a room where I can feel the Spirit present. Emily is a truly wonderful teacher and Light-bringer. She will do the same wherever she goes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

3 Years

3 years today. (Officially anyways.)

3 years of Vespa rides, moves, Cracker Barrel, smuggles, texts, changes to hair, pet adventures, car repairs, dreams, beers, late nights, late mornings, chaotic Christmases, kisses, repeated movies, pep talks, Snow Patrol concerts, midnight arrivals, good luck, bad luck, game nights, best days ever, tears, football rivalry, projects, organizing, dinners together, surprises, debating where to go for dinner, and most of all...