Monday, May 21, 2012

First Course: Fruit

Our first course of breakfast always consists of fruit.

This morning instead of yogurt or just plain ole whipped cream, tried something new. Sweet basil cream. It gives the berries and cantaloupe just a little kick without making anybody cringe.

Sweet Basil Cream
1 cup cream
1 tsp sugar
Basil to taste

Mix all ingredients together until soft peaks form.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer Rules

About this time for the past several years, I have spent time planning things to do over the summer. That was when I was a teacher. That was when I had summer vacation. For the first time since kindergarten, I will not be on summer vacation. That is 24 years of summer vacation straight.

Summer was meant for fun and little indulgences. This summer will be no different for me. Here are some things I want/plan on doing between now and Labor Day. :)

1. Pick berries.
2. Make homemade ice cream to enjoy on the back porch. (I really want to use my Jeni's cookbook.)
3. Attend a concert. (Forecastle anyone???)
4. Visit a horse farm. (When in Kentucky...)
5. Stay at another B&B (Looking at Symphony Hotel in Cincinnati.)
6. Play tennis with J. (We have a court right across the street that has appealed to both of us.)
7. Picnic lunch and nap in a park.
8. Host a dinner party. (Hopefully we will have friends soon!)
9. Go antiquing.
10. Ride my new bike often. (I might add purchase a basket for bike too.)

Looking forward to summer 2012!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Louisville Loves

We have been in Louisville now for a little over a month and I already have some favorites. If you are ever in the neighborhood, here are some things you should try...

1. Please & Thank You... coffee shop/record shop in NuLu. Ganache latte... you will thank me. Today the soundtrack was Beastie Boys. So fitting. RIP MCA.

2. Carmicheal's Books... the way a bookstore should be. I really appreciate the staff picks and selection of books. It was a Publishers' Weekly top bookstore. Well deserved.

3. The Homemade Ice Cream &  Pie Kitchen... part ice cream shop, part bakery, part pizzeria, and part coffee shop. Where else can you eat Grape sorbet and Mediterranean pizza?!?!

4. Village 8 Theater... $2 Tuesdays and $3 Thursdays... Makes it a lot easier to talk J into going to see The Vow with me. ;)

5. The Clifton/Crescent Hill neighborhood... If we ever have to get a house of our own in this town, hopefully it will be in this neighborhood.

6. Clay & Cotton... house goods, clothing, stationery, etc. A color explosion.

7. BBC (Bluegrass Brewing Company)... Raspberry Meade and a Hot Brown make for one happy Beth. (More on Hot Brown soon....)

And of course...

8. Inn at the Park B&B... where dreams come true. :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Derby Time

It's Derby time!

While back in Nashville my teacher friends are wrapping up TCAP, here in Louisville we are beginning our big weekend.

The Kentucky Derby has been called the greatest two minutes in sports, but let me tell you it is a lot more than two minutes.

Starting yesterday, guests arrived in droves. Mint Julep cocktail party for 80... why not?!?!?! Many neighbors came out to greet guests. All in all we have about 40 guests between the two inns.

This Nashville gal did not know anything about derby, but let me tell you I am getting an education quickly. From making cocktails, to whipping up Hot Brown quiches, to tidying rooms and purchasing racing forms, it can be a little overwhelming. The hats might make it worthwhile though (and definitely the tips). If you would like to learn a little about the derby, please enjoy this visual guide

J and I are not able to go to the actual races, but we were fortunate to attend Opening Night at Churchill last week for my birthday celebration. With storms in the forecast for tomorrow and crazy amounts of traffic on top of feeding the whole house, I think I am okay with that.

Happy Derby ya'll!

 Traditional Mint Julep
You'll Need:
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 cup mint leaves
Crushed ice
Kentucky bourbon
Mint sprigs
Mint Julep cups

Makes 20 servings.

Combine the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cover and cook without stirring for five minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Place the mint leaves in a bowl and bruise the mint with the back of a wooden spoon. Place the mint in a jar and add the sugar syrup. Cover and chill for 12-24 hours. Strain the mixture and discard mint when ready to use. Fill frosted mint julep cups with crushed ice to serve. Add 1 tablespoon of the syrup and 1 ounce of the bourbon for each serving. Stir, garnish with mint sprig and serve with half-sized straw.