Monday, April 30, 2012

Love Is...

Love is shown in different ways.
Sometimes it is expressed through words.
It might be a hug or kiss.
Love is shown through sacrifice.
I personally like love shown through the cleaning of my dishes.
No matter the action, it is important to feel loved.
Boy, did I feel loved this weekend.

This is my love J.
This was how he showed his love.
 In 2009, when I shaved my head J and Amy started growing out their hair to donate. Amy was able to cut hers in October after the Susan G. Komen 3-Day. On Friday, which happened to be my birthday, the anniversary of the first time I found out that I was cancer cell free, and national Donate-Your-Hair day, J cut his hair.
What a lucky girl! Could he be any more handsome?!!?!

Friday, April 13, 2012

An Egg-cellent Update!

So J and I spent some time practicing the over easy egg. Apparently, it is his favorite kind of eggs. (Who knew?!?) Practice did not go so well. Lots of brown "whites", popped yolks, etc.  There may or may not have been some cursing. (Eggs do not bring out the best in me.) Finally, I went to bed defeated and nervous to see the guest the next morning.

Morning time rolls around and there is no bounding down the stairs. It is more of a trudge. Guest comes down and he got a deer in headlights look. He thought I was off for the day. Poor guy! I bring his fruit and then get to work on the over easy egg. I cannot do it as J does, so I do it my own way and....


The guest was pleased. I was elated.

I can now say "How would you like your eggs?"

Of course, I am living on a prayer they don't say poached.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lifelong Learning

This amongst other things totally made my morning...

86 year old woman on parallel bars.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Secret Confession #4

I hate eggs.

Some of my friends are chuckling right now because they would argue that is not the case.

In all honesty, I only like my scrambled eggs and sometimes Nana's. Once I liked J's. That is all though.

I like my steaks medium rare and J makes fun of me because they are "still bleeding", but eggs are a whole different story. The thought of somebody eating a yellow yolk makes me queasy.

This morning I bound down to make breakfast and my guest requests fruit and one over easy egg. I know that I had a deer-in-headlights look. I move as fast as I can to my office to google how to make an over easy egg.

That's right, I am a breakfast "chef" and do not know how to cook eggs any other way but scrambled or boiled.

As I heat up the skillet, I just think of ways my employer is going to tell me that I am fired. This guest just happens to be a "regular" and it just takes one phone call and I am done. The photo is the results of my first egg. I can't flip the stinkin' thing. I think of ways to tell the guest his wish is not going to happen as I put the second egg in. Once again, I cannot flip it, but I do manage to cook it and fold the whites over. I breathe deep and head into the dining room.

"Sir, do you just want one egg?" (Please, let him say just one.)
"Yes. That will be fine."
"Alright. I am just warning you this is not the most beautiful egg. This is my first time." (That's what she said.I am still praying he will change his mind and request scrambled.)
"No problem."

I trudge back into the kitchen. What to do?!?!?! I put the egg on a plate and use strawberries as garnish. I scoop up the plate and head back into the dining room. I put it on the table and he chuckles.

"This looks beautiful. Normally, the whites are more spread out, but this is how it should look." (Insert Jersey Shore fist pump and crazy dancing!)

He goes on to tell him how to make an over easy egg, but says it looks great. A couple of minutes later, he exclaims it was the best egg he has had in months. While he might have been totally lying, he did help my confidence a lot. I know it is something I need to work on. (And I will be doing that tonight, seeing as he asked for the same thing tomorrow.)

Yes, I still hate eggs, but I am learning...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday Morning

Slowly, but surely getting into a routine.

Each morning I wake up around 5am (even though it still feels like 4am... Eastern time is remarkably different.). I come downstairs to put coffee on and preheat the ovens. Run back upstairs to shower and finish waking up. Then, it's back downstairs to cut up fruit, mix ingredients, and bake the casseroles. This morning, it was baked pears, egg cheese puff, bacon and toast.

While everything is baking/warming up, I run in to check emails, reservations, and of course catch up on blogs. About the time, I wrap up, my first guest comes in for breakfast. While serving breakfast, we will chat about the day ahead and respective jobs and cities. After breakfast, there are rooms to tidy or turnover and then the rest of the day lies with new adventures. Yesterday's adventures included dinner at a neighborhood Italian restaurant called Amici's, slight homesickness for friends, and a unannounced group of tourists at 10pm for ghost tour. Bless.

This morning I am especially grateful for the quiet of the morning. Spending time reflecting on blessings this Good Friday. Wish you could join me for a cup of coffee and perhaps a baked pear.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

First Breakfast

Today was my first day to prepare/serve breakfast on my own. On the menu: fruit salad, blueberry muffins with streusel, veggie strata, and ham. 
One guest even asked for seconds. 
Loving this job!!!!