A couple of weeks ago, John Mayer played at the Sommet Center. For Justin's birthday, we went to dinner at Bricktops (yum!) and then went to the concert. Little did we know what was in store for us that night!
John Mayer has been popping up in media circles a lot lately and it is not for his good character. After sharing, his sexual escapades and inappropriate word choices, attention was a at high point and a low point. He must have had enough because we got to witness a little breakdown on stage that would be covered in national news stories the next day.
During the concert, he stopped to acknowledge that his band did not condone everything he does. He thanked them for always sticking by his side though. He went on to say that he got too caught up in his own wit and the media, that he forgot what he got into music to do. He announced he was quitting the media game and was just going to play his guitar for people. He then played a very emotional version of Gravity.
When John Mayer first became popular, I was not a fan. I thought his music was too "poppy." Over time though, I became smitten. He plays music with such raw emotion, it is hard not to like him. At the concert, I gained even more respect for him. While his breakdown has been viewed as a publicity stunt, I think he must be one of the world's greatest actors if that was the case. He look pained and spoke with a real sadness and shame. I guess only time and his actions will tell...
It was a good concert even though I fell asleep during one of the songs. (I guess I am still going though "chemo comas.") It was also the last concert we would attend at the Sommet Center. Last week, the arena changed its name again. Hopefully, we can catch some concerts at the Bridgestone Arena sometime.